Friday, January 2, 2009

Social Networking in the B2B World

We had a great conversation earlier today about how social networking fits in a B2B world. Since much of our work these days focuses on B2B, we've been having more and more discussions with folks who assume that tools like LinkedIn, Plaxo & Facebook aren't for them.

Pay close attention, people ...

Social networking is a terrific way to cast a wider net for your messages. Plus, because these tools are transparent -- typically there are real people associated with user names, and businesses have the ability to pick 'n choose who sees what -- social networking amplifies your company website.

{Sorry for the run-on sentence, but I get excited about these sorts of things.}

Put differently, use social networks to drive traffic to your corporate website. When doing so, please be sure to appropriately brand your efforts. It can be as simple as re-purposing design or developing web banners based on your corporate identity.

Social networking -- it's not just for kids anymore!

1 comment:

  1. A hearty amen to that! What grabbed my attention was recently learning that LinkedIn now has 30 million members! That's a whole lot of eyeballs connected to brains.
