Like others before it -- and many more to come -- PC Magazine is now an online-only play. Previously, the Christian Science Monitor and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, among others, announced the move to online-only editions.
The loss of conventional media outlets places ever-greater emphasis on companies and organizations to operate what used to be called "news bureaus" to get the word out to customers, prospects and other key audiences.
Luckily, advances in the Web -- and increased Internet literacy -- makes this easy to do. Clear, concise, credible communications via the Web, social networking media and directly to key audiences is needed for a company to create, maintain & enhance relationships.
It's easy to chop marketing in an economy like this. The best companies, though, recognize the importance of maintaining open lines of communications. Market leaders see in this era a great opportunity to differentiate themselves from the competition.
And differentiation is at the core of every terrific brand.