I'm writing this a few hours before the polls close. Today, the longest presidential campaign in history will finally draw to a close. At least we hope so.
The candidates and their supporters will gather in two distinctly different places -- Obama fans will be in Chicago's Grant Park and McCain followers will be at the Biltmore Resort in Scottsdale.
Much has been said about this era of political polarization. Red states vs. Blue states. I was thinking about this over the last few days and realized that no matter who wins, the next president will be handed a wonderful opportunity to pull us all together. I prefer to think we are actually on the threshold of a Purple Reign.
As voters fill the polls today trailing in the footsteps of the record numbers who took advantage of widespread early voting, we have given the next president a mandate before even tallying the votes. We want something else whether it's touted as "Change" or just being a "Maverick."
Sit back, try to enjoy the election returns tonight and know that no matter the outcome, the people have spoken. If your guy wins, be magnanimous in victory. If your guy loses, be gracious in defeat.
And tomorrow, wear something purple, okay?
I saw Rahm Emmanuel, President-Elect Obama's appointed Chief of Staff, wearing a purple tie the other day. Do you think he reads your blog?